The PNM Review: JP Cooper, Raised Under Grey Skies

There are just three people, that I know of, who own the name “JP”: an older cousin who took care of me when I was little; a good actor, JP Pitoc, who starred in a gay-themed film, Trick; and this singer/songwriter who voiced the very popular Jonas Blue remix of Perfect Strangers.

Raised Under Grey Skies (Deluxe)

This is The Pink na Medyas Review and today, I’m going to get deeper into the latter guy’s album, Raised Under the Grey Skies, which was released later this year.

I’m featuring this album because this one hasn’t got that much commercial success here in the country. I really love this album and I just hate it when good albums don’t get it to the mainstream (that much).

First, you know better than to judge this album’s cover art. This is not a reggae album! I repeat, this is not a reggae album! Once you start listening, you’ll easily see how his style fits the R&B and Singer/Songwriter genre.

Voice-wise, his low-notes remind me of Shawn Mendez, only less “nasal”, and James Morrison. His falsetto and high-notes reminds me of Sam Smith, a bit of Justin Timberlake, and Jason Derulo. It’s a bit familiar and a bit different. I really love listening at how he hits those high notes. His style in this track most of the time reminds me of John Newman, John Legend, and Chris Brown (minus the beat). One word defines his style — serenading.


Let’s start counting down my favorite songs in this album with September Song. It’s the best track, I believe, would fit for mainstream, aside from Perfect Strangers.
Favorite lines from the song:
You were my September song / Tell me where have you gone / Do you remember me / We were only fifteen / And I remember the chorus / They were singing it for her

If you dare to sing me The Only Reason, my heart is yours! The chorus gives me the chills. It’s like JP’s singing it directly to me. Those high notes did a good job intensifying that message.
Favorite line from the song:
The only reason God give me eyes is to see you / The only reason God give me ears is to hear your voice / So I will love… / I will always love you / And when the wind gets cold / I’ll wrap my arms around you

Passport Home gives the same effect as The Only Reason, only this time it’s about him being sorry and in sorrow. I guess there’s one thing now that’s common to JP Cooper’s songs, it’s how his voice conveys sincerity to the listener.
Favorite line from the song:
You’re my passport home / My guiding light / My hand to hold … Without you close / I can’t go on / So darling keep the light on

The PNM Review - JP Cooper, Raised Under Grey Skies-01

This time here in The PNM Review, I’m adding another track that is worthy of a special mention. The album version of Perfect Strangers is way better than the one with the beat in it. Jonas Blue’s “diluted” version is popular and has topped the mainstream charts but I want you to check out the original one. Have I emphasized greatly how sincere JP Cooper’s music is? Listen to the less upbeat Perfect Strangers and you’ll realize how the song feels with toned down and simplified accompaniment.


This 20-tracked album is geared for easy listening. I can just lie on my bed listening to this one. It will also do as a travel companion, but I prefer listening to it lying down with my eyes closed. Just stay like that and listen to what he’s saying. The words are good. Initial listening would keep you invited. Repeated listening and understanding what the words convey shovels you into deeper thoughts. There’s a lot of interesting tracks in this album that makes it hard to be ignored.

Definitely, this one’s going to my “Best Albums” playlist.



A Gay Life 2 [Questions 7-13]

Weeks ago, I’ve answered six questions that have slightly uncovered a little about my pathetic life. Don’t worry. These next lines of questions are a bit on the lighter side.

  1. Favorite drink…

I love drinks with a summery feel to it. Last time that I frequent the bars, I just choose from these: Tequila sunrise, cosmopolitan, and margarita. Sometimes a simple mix of rhum and coke will do.

  1. The must-watch gay film is…


There’s a lot to choose from, actually. Grand E’cole have brought me to a new familiar homosexual setting. Wild Tigers I Have Known is a very thought provoking one. I will never forget the scenes from Transamerica.

Still, nothing beats Trick’s simple guy-meets-guy-themed story. There’s something with this film. Watching this film  left me inspired and kept me hoping.

  1. On Sunday afternoon you’ll find me…

At home: reading a book, binge-watching TV series, or just playing games on my phone. I find pampering myself an enjoyable activity.

  1. What advice I’d give my teenage self…

Go! Live like it’s the last day on Earth. Be a slut. Blow everything up. <wink>

Seriously: Decide on what you want to be in the future and pursue it. Also, take every opportunities that is in front of you. More importantly, spend more time with your family. Stop wasting time hanging out or organizing things with your old highschool classmates. They will just fade out in the end… They’re a waste of time.

  1. My thoughts on love and marriage…

I believe that love always go in a cycle: hope, love, and hurt. You’ll wish to meet someone and you will fall in love with him. Then, there’s a lot of things which will end everything up: separation, fell out of love, infidelity, death. After that, if you don’t stop, you’ll hope again, starting the cycle again.

For marriage: Personally, same-sex marriage is worthless if not leveled at par with heterosexual marriage. It should be accepted by the constitution. And be defended by a law

Same-sex marriage is still not legal here in the Philippines. But I applaud those who fight social and justice bigotry against our community. It’s a start.

  1. The TV show that changed my world…

Grey’s Anatomy.

This show has the most effect to my life: From song choice to decision-making. I somewhat adapted how Meredith sees the world or how she thinks about friendship and love.

  1. A must-read gay-themed book is…

Hanya Yanagihara - A Little Life book coverHanya Yanagihara’s “A Little Life”

So far, only two books have made me cry and one of them is “A Little Life”. Yanagihara introduced a number of characters here. She developed them in the story so well that we are left with no choice but to love and welcome them into our lives.

From answering these, I’ve learned a lot about myself. Why don’t you try answering these questions yourself? You can comment below or send me an email so we can talk about it. Please do the same if you want me to dare me to answer   a question.

A Gay Life (Part 1: Questions 1-6)

“My Gay Life” is one my favorite sections in Gay Times. In this one-page column of the popular gay-themed magazine, gay guys answer a number of interesting and daring inquiries that may give light to their personality, making us know more about them better.

I would like to do the same for myself in this blog. Aside from finding the questions excitingly cool to answer, I also find it a nice way to introduce myself to you guys.

  1. When I first knew…

I always knew that I’m different. The earliest memory of realizing that I am not the same as what the other boys was when I was in first grade.

I remember my uncles teasing me on the way I walk. I have been doing the tsunami walk before it gets into pageants two decades after.

I also recall enjoying doing pranks to an older cousin, which involves shadowing and pulling down his shorts. He’s not wearing a pair of underwear back then so imagine how overwhelming the sight was.

  1. My coming out moment…

I haven’t done that.

I think “coming out” really isn’t a thing when it’s obvious that I’m gay. At school, no one asked me about it. I just went on as a “normal” gay guy and let everything come in as it is.

It’s a different thing at home though. I think they knew about it and are just waiting for me to “formally” admit it. But I like being secretive. I like it being just the way it is.

Maybe, I’m just afraid. It’s hard when you’re being rejected by the ones that you think should be supporting you in everything that you do.

  1. The campest thing I’ve done…

Cross-dressing in high school for fun. I wore my classmate’s skirt and walked around the room. I haven’t done that in public. I’m not really comfortable doing it with people who are too closed-minded to appreciate one’s happiness.

  1. My first gay club / pub…

I haven’t gone into any.

This is the thing that I wanted to cross out off of my bucket list the most. I guess I’m just afraid of being caught in the premises from a sudden police raid. Also, there have been a lot of plans with my gay friends to get into one but no plans have materialized yet.

  1. My first gay kiss…

My first kiss was with this straight guy.

It was when I was in college and it was with a guy from high school.

A perfect romantic scene: We were having an overnight. By midnight, we were a bit drunk when fireworks from a nearby barangay unanticipatedly came out and painted the horizon. All of us were amazed at how cool everything went that time. We opted out from our discussion to watch different colors exploding at the clear night sky. I repositioned my chair to face the direction of the fireworks. I felt him move behind my chair. I gave him a quick glance and saw him calmly watching the view. Then I stood up and grabbed his face and kissed him.

It was a quick and disappointing one.

I’mnot really a kisser. That time, I don’t know how it’s done. I received no respond from him. Next thing was me withdrawing my mouth from his and feeling shame for what I did.

What happened was a perfect meltdown from a perfect romantic scene.

  1. When I lost my virginity…

After college. The first guy I believe I fell in love with.

I thought we’re getting into something good. I physically expressed my feelings (I’m not really good at words): hugs, flirting, and time spent together. I thought he liked it. It’s easy to just say no and stop me from doing it. He never said stop.

Until “that” happened. Then “that” never happened between us ever after.